Lets Journey Together, The Hope Anew Disability Podcast
Where are you at in this journey in disability and special needs? Are you the parent who is still searching for answers and trying to wrap your mind around this new diagnosis that has been given to your child? Maybe your overwhelmed with the day to day, the doctor appointments, the emotions that you are struggling with and the pain that you see your child in… Written by Jonathan McGuire
Where are you at in this journey in disability and special needs? Are you the parent who is still searching for answers and trying to wrap your mind around this new diagnosis that has been given to your child? Maybe your overwhelmed with the day to day, the doctor appointments, the emotions that you are struggling with and the pain that you see your child in.
Maybe you are the parent whose child is aging out of the system and you don’t know what lies ahead. Your friend’s children are going off to college and launching into their new lives, while you are trying to figure out what is next or who will take care of your child after you are gone.
Or are you the grandparent? You want to be able to come alongside your children more and support them but you don’t know how. Your grandchild eats a special diet, relies on special medical equipment that you don’t understand or maybe it is difficult for you to care for them because of challenging behaviors over which they have no control. You see that your children just need a break but you don’t know what to do.
Where are you on this journey? What is your story?
This journey can be isolating. It can be overwhelming and you can feel like you are completely alone. In describing how I felt, I used to tell people that I could live in the jungle in Papua New Guinea or in the middle of the city in Fort Worth and feel just as isolated.
Sarah and I began our journey in disability 12 years ago with the birth of our youngest son. He was allergic to literally all food, except sweet potato and on the severe end of the Autism spectrum. Our journey likely has looked different than yours, but we have probably wrestled through many similar struggles.
We would like to invite you into our home the first Monday of every month as we sit down with other families and professionals who have been on this journey and hear their stories and learn from their experience .
During our conversations, we will hear how they have found purpose in the pain and seen beauty in the journey. During this time you will be encouraged. You will feel like there are others who get it and you won’t feel quite so alone. You will experience hope, learn to build a different dream and be better equipped for the journey ahead of you.
You can join these monthly chats by searching iTunes for the Hope Anew Disability Podcast or by going to the Hope Anew website here: https://www.hopeanew.com/podcast.
We would love to hear from you! Please let us know if there is a specific topic you would like us to discuss in our monthly conversations or someone you would like us to interview.