The Blesssing
Children of every age long for the gift of The Blessing - the unconditional love and approval that comes from a healthy relationship with their parents. In this episode, Jonathan & Sarah interview Dr. John Trent & Kari Trent-Stageberg, co-authors of The Blessing.
In this episode, Jonathan and Sarah interview Dr. John Trent and his daughter Kari Trent-Stageberg, co-authors of The Blessing.
Children of every age long for the gift of The Blessing - the unconditional love and approval that comes from a healthy relationship with their parents.
This life-changing gift for Christian parents and their children, essential for instilling a deep sense of self-worth and unshakable emotional well-being, contains five essential elements:
Meaningful touch.
A spoken message.
Attaching high value.
Picturing a special future.
An active commitment.
Offering solid, practical advice and a fresh perspective on making this gift a bigger part of our families, The Blessing powerfully communicates these biblically based elements as necessary to prepare children for positive future relationships, including their relationship with a loving God.
Dr. John Trent is an award-winning, best-selling author and speaker.
He has published more than 20 books, including The Blessing, which has over 2 million copies in print.
Dr. Trent currently runs his ministry StrongFamilies, a ministry where imperfect people and less than perfect families (just like the Trent’s) can find resources and encouragement to help you love the Lord, yourself and others fully.
However, Dr. Trent's biggest accomplishment is being married to his incredible wife of 40 years, Cindy. And being a father of two amazing daughters.
Kari Trent Stageberg is a speaker and author best known for her work on the book, The Blessing.
Kari also serves as the CEO of StrongFamilies, a ministry where imperfect people and less than perfect families (just like the Trent’s) can find resources and encouragement to help you love the Lord, yourself and others fully. As a survivor of abuse, Kari's passion is to help everyone find freedom and healing in Jesus.
When she isn't writing or speaking, she spends her time enjoying the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her amazing husband, Joey.
IG: karitrentstageberg and strong.families
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Healing Your Child's Brain
When we understand how our children’s brains work, it will help us to better understand why they do certain things. It will help us to better love our child and to develop an action plan for what they need. This episode will help you have a better understanding of brain development and equip you as you come alongside your child.
When we understand how our children’s brains work, it will help us to better understand why they do certain things. It will help us to better love our child and to develop an action plan for what they need. This episode will help you have a better understanding of brain development and equip you as you come alongside your child.
In this episode, Matthew & Carol Newell share about their latest book Healing Your Child’s Brain.
In Healing Your Child ’s Brain, child development experts Matthew and Carol Newell equip parents with the knowledge, confidence, and tools they need to help their special- needs child flourish. The Newells taught more than 20,000 parents and were the parents of two children with special needs. They know firsthand, as both parents and practitioners, what works—and what doesn’t.
Most treatments focus on managing symptoms but don’t address underlying neurological issues. This book guides readers through the stages of brain development and how they affect functioning, showing what wellness looks like at each level and how to identify—and address at the root—these challenges.
Website: Facebook: @thefamilyhopecenter
Linked In: @TheFamilyHopeCenter Instagram: @thefamilyhopecenter
Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Discipline That Connects With Your Child's Heart
It can be difficult to find parenting tips that really work in our diverse family situations. In this interview Jim & Lynn, founders of Connected Families, walk us through how to apply grace based parenting in our family.
It can be difficult to find parenting tips that really work in our diverse family situations. In this interview Jim & Lynn, founders of Connected Families, walk us through how to apply grace based parenting in our family.
In their 30 years together Jim and Lynne have learned to bring God's grace and truth to the messes of real life. Their three closely-aged kids all had straight A's before they started school: ADHD, Asthma, Allergies, and Acid reflux. Translation: A WIRED FAMILY! And both of them chose careers working with other people's kids. This unique combination of experience at home and at work led them to start Connected Families in 2002. Since then their resources have equipped thousands of parents across the globe be more peaceful, purposeful, and confident! Jim and Lynne have been featured on Focus on the Family, Desiring God, KTIS radio, Don’t Mom Alone, and numerous other radio programs and podcasts, including their own Connected Families podcast which was downloaded more than 45K times in the first 3 months. Through their travels, podcasting, books, online courses, and leadership trainings, the Connected Families team has had a profound global impact on parents across the world.
Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Tips For Navigating The Medical System
Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed by the healthcare system? It can be very intimidating and scary as you learn to navigate the system. It doesn’t take long before you get an intense dread of opening the mailbox out of fear of what bill is going to arrive the next time you reach in there.
You won’t want to miss this interview with TyiaLynn Scott if any of the above sounds familiar!
Do you ever feel completely overwhelmed by the healthcare system? It can be very intimidating and scary as you learn to navigate the system. It doesn’t take long before you get an intense dread of opening the mailbox out of fear of what bill is going to arrive the next time you reach in there.
If any of the above resonates with you, then you won’t want to miss this interview with TyiaLnn Scott, Founder of Critically Loved. In this interview you will learn practical tactics for managing your child’s healthcare and potentially greatly reduce those bills that are coming in. You will also learn realistic ways to rejuvenate yourself so you will be a better caregiver for your child.
The vision of Critically Loved is “to positively impact the lives of families with chronically or critically ill children by assisting them in navigating hospital stays, bill payment, and schooling issues as well as providing educational, recreational, and spiritual support to foster community.”
Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Sweetly Broken Part 2
In this interview, Lisa Sexton shares about her journey raising a child impacted by Cerebral Palsy, her emotional breakdown and attempt to take her life. The story doesn’t stop there. In her story, you will hear how she found beauty in her scars.
“God’s in our circumstances, in our daily, in our struggles, all those things…that’s where He shows up.”
In this interview, Lisa Sexton shares about her journey raising a child impacted by Cerebral Palsy, her emotional breakdown and attempt to take her life. The story doesn’t stop there. In her story, you will hear how she found beauty in her scars.
Known to many as Sweet Potata, Lisa gives a mother's personal insight to the life of her disabled child. Lisa has been Featured on The Hour of Power, 700 Club and The Helpline. Along with these Television Broadcast, she has contributed to Focus on the Family's Thriving Family Magazine.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Sweetly Broken Part 1
In this interview, Lisa Sexton shares about her journey raising a child impacted by Cerebral Palsy, her emotional breakdown and attempt to take her life. The story doesn’t stop there. In her story, you will hear how she found beauty in her scars.
God’s in our circumstances, in our daily, in our struggles, all those things…that’s where He shows up.
In this interview, Lisa Sexton shares about her journey raising a child impacted by Cerebral Palsy, her emotional breakdown and attempt to take her life. The story doesn’t stop there. In her story, you will hear how she found beauty in her scars.
Known to many as Sweet Potata, Lisa gives a mother's personal insight to the life of her disabled child. Lisa has been Featured on The Hour of Power, 700 Club and The Helpline. Along with these Television Broadcast, she has contributed to Focus on the Family's Thriving Family Magazine.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
No Such Thing As Can't
Do you need encouragement today? You will find it in this podcast! This episode will encourage you on so many levels!
In this episode, you will hear Dr. Tyler Sexton share about the struggles he had growing up with Cerebral Palsy and how that didn’t end when he graduated from high school. But the story doesn’t end there, you will also hear how God is being glorified through his having Cerebral Palsy. Through his faith in Jesus Christ, Tyler has never let any medical diagnosis, statistic or the negative attitudes of others stop him from dreaming and achieving his goals.
This is a hope-filled, inspiring episode that you won’t want to miss!
“You have to walk the rocks to see the mountain views.”
In this interview, Dr. Tyler Sexton shares how God has used the rocks in his life in incredible ways.
Tyler was born with Cerebral Palsy, a condition in which the prognosis usually involves a wheelchair, mental retardation, blindness and seizures. Through his faith in Jesus Christ, Tyler has never let any medical diagnosis, statistic or the negative attitudes of others stop him from dreaming and achieving his goals. Tyler attended medical school and achieved a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. He strives to be a doctor who gives hope to patients, instead of worst case scenarios.
Tyler’s passion is pediatrics and he inspires both the child and their parents to realize that all things are possible. As Tyler says, "People say no and God says yes!"
Tyler has been featured on the 700 Club, The God Squad, Hour of Power and The Helpline. As a speaker, Tyler is able to motivate people of all ages to move past barriers in their lives and develop renewed hope through the power of Christ.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Life Re-Defined
Let’s talk about the strengths that you have. Let’s focus on those. Let’s help you develop those and don’t be defined by that disability diagnosis or special needs diagnosis but be defined by your strengths.
We often hear about what our children will not be able to do. Let’s talk about their strengths. In today’s conversation with Joannie DeBrito, PHD., you will find encouragement and hope.
Do you ever feel like your child’s potential is limited by the parameters of their diagnosis? That teachers, therapist, or other people you interact with only see them through that lens? I love the following quote from today’s interview with Joannie DeBrito, PHD.
Let’s talk about the strengths that you have. Let’s focus on those. Let’s help you develop those and don’t be defined by that disability diagnosis or special needs diagnosis but be defined by your strengths.
In this conversation with Joannie, you will feel like you have sat down with a trusted friend over a cup of tea or coffee who has walked this journey ahead of you. Joannie shares stories from her experience as a mom of a daughter with a learning disability and from helping others that will leave you feeling encouraged and more hopeful.
Serving as Focus’ director of parenting and youth for 5 years, Joannie’s career path has included a variety of experiences which have uniquely prepared her for her current role.
First entering the workforce in industries such as hospitality, insurance and banking, Joannie soon got married and had two daughters. While being a full-time mother, she earned her BA in Psychology, a Master of Social Work and later went on to become a licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Approved Supervisor, and earn her Ph.D. in Psychology.
As a wife, mother and grandmother, Joannie has always placed an emphasis on providing the best for her family while remaining committed to helping other families who are struggling.
Joannie has conducted prevention and wellness seminars and workshops, been published in professional journals and interviewed on radio stations across the country on issues related to parenting, youth, suicide prevention and more.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Sky Full Of Stars
In this episode, Jonathan & Sarah interview Meg Apperson, author of “Sky Full of Stars.”
Meg grew up having a relationship with Jesus and would say she had trusted God her entire life. But when her daughter Avery—a miracle in so many ways—was born with a syndrome of severe birth defects, Meg began to fully understand what it really means to trust Jesus with everything.
Meeting Jesus in the valley of the shadow of death…getting to know him in the midst of very serious suffering is a side to him that I don’t know if I could have learned in any other way. I feel like that valley is where he does his most intricate work of change, healing and growth. I wish I could take away Avery’s suffering but I’m grateful for what my suffering alongside her meant for me.
In this episode, Jonathan & Sarah interview Meg Apperson, author of “Sky Full of Stars.”
Meg grew up having a relationship with Jesus and would say she had trusted God her entire life. But when her daughter Avery—a miracle in so many ways—was born with a syndrome of severe birth defects, Meg began to fully understand what it really means to trust Jesus with everything.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
The Love Languages: A Tool for Connecting with Traumatized Children
What do we do when we think our children have been traumatized? How do we help them heal? Yes, counseling is a good tool but what else can we do? In this episode, Jolene Philo shares how we can use the love languages to help bring healing to our children.
What do we do when we think our children have been traumatized? How do we help them heal? Yes, counseling is a good tool but what else can we do? In this episode, Jolene Philo shares how we can use the love languages to help bring healing to our children.
Jolene Philo is the author of the Different Dream series for parents of kids with special needs. She speaks at parenting and special needs conferences around the country. She recently co-authored Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Families: The 5 Love Languages® for Parents Raising Children with Disabilities with Dr. Gary Chapman. Her blog for parents raising children with special needs and disabilities can be found at
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Financial Freedom For The Special Needs Family
Do you ever feel overwhelmed or fearful when you think about your child’s future and how you will provide for them when you are gone?
If so, you won’t want to miss today’s interview with certified financial adviser, Rob Wrubel.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed or fearful when you think about your child’s future and how you will provide for them when you are gone?
You are not alone.
Thinking about our child's future is often overwhelming and many of us don't know where to start. In this episode, Rob Wrubel addresses some of the fears we have and gives us tangible first steps as we look ahead to planning for that time when we can no longer be there for our children.
Rob is the father of three, including Sarah, who has Down Syndrome. He and his family live in Colorado Spring, Colorado.
Rob is also a Certified Financial Planner focuses on financial planning for families with a special-needs member. Rob does and excellent job taking a complex topic and giving tangible action steps.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Breaking the Cycle of Absentee Fathers
In this episode, Jonathan & Sarah interview David Hirsch, the founder of the Special Needs Father's Network.
There are approximately 24 million kids growing up across America without their dads. Children from father-absent homes are more likely to; drop out of school, abuse drugs and alcohol, get involved with crime and become incarcerated, become teen parents, have psychological problems and commit suicide.
In this episode, Jonathan & Sarah interview David Hirsch, the founder of the Special Father's Network.
In 1997 David founded Illinois Fatherhood Initiative, the country’s first state wide non-profit fatherhood organization, whose mission is connecting children and fathers by engaging fathers in the education of children. He is also founder of 21st Century Dads Foundation.
In 2007, he was recognized as one of three Fathers of the Year, by Illinois Fatherhood Initiative. In 2015, he cycled 2,325 miles from Santa Monica to Chicago as part of Dads Honor Ride 2015 and gave a TEDx Talk entitled Why We Need To Break The Cycle Of Father Absence. He is the author of 21st Century Dads: A Father's Journey to Break The Cycle Of Father Absence. He also completed DHR16 a 1,400 mile 21 day ride from Boston to Chicago and DHR17 a 958 mile 9 day ride around Lake Michigan. He is also host of the popular Special Fathers Network Dad To Dad Podcast, now with more than 100 episodes.
David and his wife, Peggy, have one grandchild, are the parents of five adult children and live in Barrington Hills, IL. His interests include; reading, underwater photography and adventure sports.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Amplifying Your Child's Interests
Each of our children is made in God's image and has been given a gift. In this podcast, Andrea Anderson Moriarty shares how in leveraging her son Reid's passions, he is changing the world around him.
Each of our children is made in God's image and has been given a gift. In this interview, Andrea Moriarty shares how in leveraging her son Reid's passions, he has changed the world around him.
Andrea Moriarty is the cofounder of Banding Together, a music therapy nonprofit and author of "One-Track Mind: 15 Ways to Amplify Your Child's Special Interest" and "Radical Inclusion: What I Learned About Risk, Humility, and Kindness from My Son with Autism." She. She speaks nationally and leads workshops where she shares unending hope, affectionate humor, and innovative resources with parents and educators.
Moriarty and her husband, Jim, are adoptive parents of grown twins. Allie is a board-certified music therapist and Reid is a singer songwriter, speaker, and host of "Talk Time with Reid Moriarty." Moriarty lives in Solana Beach, California, where she accumulates books, cooks from scratch, and whistles while she works.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
How To Rest When Life Overwhelms You
Brenda Jank, founder of Run Hard Rest Well, shares the importance of rest and practical tips for incorporating rest into your life, even when it seems impossible.
Brenda Jank, founder of Run Hard Rest Well, shares the importance of rest and practical tips for incorporating rest into your life, even when it seems impossible.
Purposeful, passionate, and compelled by God’s Word, Brenda is a catalyst for personal and organizational change. High energy and story driven, Brenda equips people to create a biblical culture of work, rest and rhythm for those they lead, love, and serve. As the mom of four special-needs children, her heart is with those who know the joys and challenges. Founder of Run Hard. Rest Well., Brenda speaks from coast to coast. Outnumbered and outwitted, Brenda and her husband, Tim, lay claim to five of the finest, feistiest children ever assembled under one roof. They live in northeast Indiana where Tim has been the Executive Director of a Christian camp for 27 years. Learn more about RHRW at
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Eat, Sleep, Save the World
God is timeless. He puts all these sign posts in our lives to remember that. These moments when we feel this pain, God has felt that pain and He’s felt all of our joy and He experiencing it all at the same time. So even as I’m experiencing my pain, He can already see the joy that is going to come later. To remember that my timeline is only temporary, helps get me through those painful parts.
~Jamie Sumner
“God is timeless. He puts all these sign posts in our lives to remember that. These moments when we feel this pain, God has felt that pain and He’s felt all of our joy and He experiencing it all at the same time. So even as I’m experiencing my pain, He can already see the joy that is going to come later. To remember that my timeline is only temporary, helps get me through those painful parts.”
In this interview, you will laugh and cry with Jamie, as she shares words of encouragement and hope that can only come from someone who has walked this journey. Jamie Sumner has written for the “New York Times” and the “Washington Post,” among many other publications. She is the author of the nonfiction book on motherhood, “Unbound,” and the middle-grade novel, “Roll with It.” She is also a mom to a son with cerebral palsy, and she writes and speaks about disability in literature. She loves stories that celebrate the grit and beauty in all kids. She and her family live in Nashville, Tennessee.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
"Does My Child Have PTSD?" An Interview With Jolene Philo
PTSD doesn’t just happen to soldiers and first responders. Children are also at risk for experiencing PTSD. In this interview, Jolene walks us through the causes and symptoms of PTSD in children and adolescents. She then provides practical steps that we as parents can take if we recognize these symptoms in our children.
PTSD doesn’t just happen to soldiers and first responders. Children are also at risk for experiencing PTSD. In this interview, Jolene walks us through the causes and symptoms of PTSD in children and adolescents. She then provides practical steps that we as parents can take if we recognize these symptoms in our children.
Jolene Philo is the mother of a son born with life-threatening special needs and the daughter of a father severely affected by multiple sclerosis. In her 25 years as an educator, she integrated children with special needs into her classroom. She’s written 5 books about caregiving, special needs parenting, and childhood PTSD. She recently co-authored a book with Dr. Gary Chapman about how parents of kids with special needs can use the 5 love languages in their families. Jolene speaks at conferences around the country and internationally, facilitates classes about childhood trauma for educators, and trains special needs ministry leaders and volunteers. She blogs at She and her husband live in Iowa.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Embracing This Special Life
I can’t keep embracing all this stuff in life that God has for us without letting go of all the stuff in life without letting go of all the stuff in our life that God doesn’t want us to be holding on to.
~Jenn Soehnlin
“I can’t keep embracing all this stuff in life that God has for us without letting go of all the stuff in life without letting go of all the stuff in our life that God doesn’t want us to be holding on to.”
In this conversation, Jonathan & Sarah interview Jenn Soehnlin. Jenn is the mother of two young boys who are precious blessings and who both have special needs. She is the author of Embrace This Special Life: Learning to flourish as a mother of a child with special needs.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Living Fully With Depression
“I realized that maybe my depression the defined absence of hope, is being used by God to actually give me hope because it is what's drawing me to Him.”
~Gillian Marchenko
“I realized that maybe my depression the defined absence of hope, is being used by God to actually give me hope because it is what’s drawing me to Him.”
Gillian Marchenko is an author and a speaker. She lives near St. Louis with her husband Sergei and their four daughters. In this interview, Gillian shares openly and honestly about living with depression and her latest book, “Still Life: A Memoir of Living Fully with Depression.”
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Episode 11 – "Love All-Ways" with Dr. Joe & Cindi Ferrini
Caring for a family member with special needs often leaves couples with little free time, energy, money, sex, or fun. In Love All-Ways: Embracing Marriage Together on the Special Needs Journey, Dr. Joe and Cindi Ferrini encourage husbands and wives to embrace this unexpected special needs journey with grace and faithfulness that will strengthen their marriage to go the distance.
Caring for a family member with special needs often leaves couples with little free time, energy, money, sex, or fun. In Love All-Ways: Embracing Marriage Together on the Special Needs Journey, Dr. Joe and Cindi Ferrini encourage husbands and wives to embrace this unexpected special needs journey with grace and faithfulness that will strengthen their marriage to go the distance.
“Our journey of decades is testimony that we can strive for and thrive in an alive and exciting marriage amidst the challenges, chaos, and crisis of doctors, surgeries, therapies, medical, mental, physical and emotional conditions, stress, (to name a few) etc. Our vows are the glue that keeps us going as we learn to rely on God on this one step at a time journey. We desire to encourage all marriages and families (mended, blended, splendid, and extended) on this journey with the hope that it is possible to have a vibrant marriage that will go the distance,” share Joe and Cindi.
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Episode 10 – "Unbroken Faith" with Diane Dokko Kim
Through your journey in disability, have you have struggled with your relationship with God and questioned His faithfulness and promises in the Bible? If so, you will be greatly encouraged by today’s interview with Diane Dokko Kim, author of Unbroken Faith: Spiritual Recovery For The Special Needs Parent.
“The best thing that I did for myself, probably the one thing I got right was to give myself permission to grieve. To give myself permission to be real about all of those questions that every single one of us have and to let myself grieve, doubt, to have questions and to even be angry. To even be angry at God and to raise those questions…The second thing is to take those questions and to wrestle with the word of God. As I wrestled with the word of God, it was amazing to find how relevant it was. To realize that God does understand this situation. ”
Through your journey in disability, have you have struggled with your relationship with God and questioned His faithfulness and promises in the Bible? We often have the perception that if we do A and B, God will do C. In this interview, Diane Dokko Kim is real about the struggles she had, the journey she went through in wrestling with Him and how He brought her to a new understanding of His blessings.
Facebook: Diane Dokko Kim
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Closing song is Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (