To My First Born Son On His 18th Birthday

18 years.

18 years filled with laughter and love and sometimes heartache and tears. 18 years of watching every milestone and “checking it off” – feeling like we accomplished something. 18 years of watching some milestones pass by and realizing we still haven’t met them and dealing with the grief that these are the milestones that you may never meet.

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But as I write, I realize you have risen above my expectations I had for you and I know you will continue to. It’s because even though there are many things we may have ahead to learn there are things you have taught me and others.

…you have taught me God’s sovereignty. From the moment I held you I knew He had a plan for your life. When we found out about the Down Syndrome, I didn’t understand why God had chosen this path for you or me. As the dust settled and the tears dried there was one passage I clung to. The passage is in John 9 when Jesus heals a blind man. Although I knew that “healing” was not the answer for a genetic condition. This scripture helped me find an answer for why God chose this path. Jesus’ answer is in verse 3. Jesus’ followers were baffled. Why was this boy born blind? Obviously someone sinned . But Jesus responds “he was born blind so that he could be used to show what great things God can do.” Now 18 years later I am able to see so many of these great things. I have learned it’s not my fault or that I’m being punished . These verses remind me that your disability is anything but that. The plan God had all along for you is a gift so that you can display the works of God through your life and your unprejudiced mind and heart.

… you have taught me patience. Every step of this journey together has been slow, every milestone, every word, every year of school, every IEP – a lesson in learning to be patient in God’s timing. While I’ve spent days, months and years waiting for each step, It causes me to think how patient God is with me. So many times it takes me so long to learn things that I’m sure God feels like he has tried to teach a million times over. You are my visible reminder that God brings beautiful blessings in His time if we just wait.

…you have taught me to laugh. You are silly. Always trying to make me laugh. And always laughing. You can make anyone laugh and you know how to laugh at yourself. And when I start to take life too seriously you are there to help remind me that life is too short not to laugh a little.

…you have taught me to see things through different eyes. To catch a glimpse of what really matters most. Not the little events of life but the way these events affect our soul and others. Your concern when others are sick, or sad. The way you never want to make anyone mad. The way you put others first. I often wonder what the world would be like if we all saw others through your eyes.

…you have taught me unconditional love. You give and accept love from others with no conditions. You share love so easily and I’ve seen you hurt because of the way you love someone or something so hard. Your heart is so big and filled with so much love for the people you know. You have taught me that loving is not about what we want others to be but about loving them as they are. It’s about loving me when I have a short temper or snap at you. It’s loving like Christ … not because of anything I could do but loving because that’s what you are.

I’m reminded of the old hymn, “Come Thou Fount,” it speaks in the second stanza of raising an Ebenezer. Strange language isn’t it? The prophet Samuel set up a stone after the LORD helped Israel win a great victory. This was not without repentance and seeking the LORD on Israel’s part. They had to put away their false gods and pray. The stone, named Ebenezer, commemorated that victory, for “Thus far the LORD has helped us” Whenever the Israelites would pass by the stone, they would remember what they were capable of, and how the LORD acted on their behalf.

So you my son are my true Ebenezer. You are the physical reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. In 18 years you have taught me all these lessons and more. You remind me daily what the Lord is capable of doing. And you show me daily that God has and is still continuing to teach me more about Himself through you.

So HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY Bub. You are so loved!

Written by Leigh Ann Kaman

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Leigh Ann Kaman is a wife and mom to three kids, one of which has Down Syndrome. She advocates in the special needs community and has started a ministry in her church for those touched by special needs. She is also actively involved in Capernaum, a ministry of Young Life for young adults with disabilities. Writing about her life as a special needs parent has always been her passion. 

Leigh Ann Kaman

Leigh Ann Kaman is a wife and mom to three kids, one of which has Down Syndrome. She advocates in the special needs community and has started a ministry in her church for those touched by special needs. She is also actively involved in Capernaum, a ministry of Young Life for young adults with disabilities. Writing about her life as a special needs parent has always been her passion. 


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