Which Christian Parenting Resources are MOST helpful?

In the last blog post, You’re Grounded!!! I alluded to how the first few years of Jonathan and my parenting journey and how we were doing discipline was NOT working. We were following the best of the parenting classes from Bible school and church and books recommended to us and getting a kid who became angrier and angrier. We knew something HAD to change…and it was us and how we were parenting, not our kid.

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Today, I share with you:

1. Resources we have read and tried

2. Resources that dramatically changed our and our kids’ lives for the better

Disclaimer: our kids are currently teenagers. We are in the midst of this parenting journey. We are learning too. Currently, our teenagers are delightful. They are a joy and pleasure to be around (most of the time!). We do not fit the stereotypical picture of regular teenage/parent conflict. I’m loving this age and stage and hope this type of relationship continues. However, we don’t know how our kids will do in adulthood or what choices they’ll make once there or at any point on their way there. We pray for wisdom as we continue on this journey.

The following resources are loosely listed from least helpful to most helpful for our family. We’ve read and studied more, but these are the ones that came to mind.

Resources we read, studied, &/or applied early in our parenting journey that we may have gleaned some from, but didn’t get us where we wanted to be in our parenting:

1.     Don’t Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Hubbard

2.     Growing Kids God’s Way

3.     Dr. James Dobson’s books

4.     Child Training Tips by Reb Bradley

5.     Love & Logic by Jim Fay & Charles Fay

6.     Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick

7.     Shepherding A Child’s Heart (the anger management/training/maturity ladder was helpful) by Ted Tripp

Resource that we think are excellent, the last 2 have heavily influenced our parenting:

1.     Parenting by Paul David Tripp

2.     How to REALLY love Your Child by Ross Campbell

3.     Sally Clarkson’s books (there’s more I need to read!!!) & podcast

4.     Sharing Love Abundantly In Special Needs Families by Gary Chapman & Jolene Philo

THE #1 most helpful and robust parenting tool we have found:


As a side note, you can listen to our podcast interview with Jim and Lynne here. What resources have been helpful to you in your parenting journey?

Written by Sarah McGuire


Sarah McGuire  is the Mom of two boys and co-founder of Hope Anew, a nonprofit that guides parents to Christ-centered hope and healing. You can follow Hope Anew on Facebook here. You can also check out Hope Anew’s Online Community here!

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Sarah McGuire

Sarah McGuire is the Mom of two boys and co-founder of Hope Anew, a nonprofit that comes alongside the parents of children impacted by disability on a spiritual and emotional level. You can follow Hope Anew on Facebook here.


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